Graduation Thesis 2005.3

  1. 赤山 由:ファイバー要素を用いたRC橋脚の地震応答解析
    AKAYAMA Yuki: Earthquake Response Analysis of RC Bridge Piers by using Fiber Member
  2. 池戸義徳:衝撃応答解析に基づく木橋部材連結部の波動伝搬性状の検討
    IKEDO Yoshinori: Study on Wave Progagation Properties of Connecting Joint of Laminated Timber Bridge by Dynamic Response Analysis
  3. 大泉由美子:疲労センターを用いた既設鋼橋の疲労余寿命診断
    OIZUMI Yumiko: Fatigue Remainder Life Diagnosis of Existing Steel Bridge with Fatigue Sensor
  4. 神山佳久:最適化手法を用いた溶融亜鉛浸漬試験中の鋼平板の温度分布再現
    KAMIYAMA Yoshihisa: on Temperature Distribution Reproduction of Steel Plates under Hot Dip Galvanazing Tests by using Optimization Technique
  5. 佐々木祐太:積雪寒冷地の塩化物供給を考慮した橋梁LCCに関する研究
    SASAKI Yuka: Study on LCC of Bridge considering Chloride Supply in snowy and cold Region
  6. 白岩知紘:既設鋼鈑桁橋のFEM解析における床版評価方法に関する研究
    SHIRAIWA Tomohiro: Study on Estimation Methods of Slab of Existing Steel Composite Plate Girder Bridge by FEM Analysis
  7. 張 友海:コンクリートの乾燥による収縮応力について
    Chou Yuhai: Study on Shrinkage Stress of Concrete by Drying
  8. 戸塚弘之:打撃試験に基づく部材連結方法の異なる集成材梁試験体の動的剛性評価
    TOZUKA Hiroyuki: Estimation of Dynamic Stiffness of Different Connecting Joints in Laminated Timber Beams by Impact Testing
  9. 戸羽智之:集成材と鋼からなる下路式タイドアーチ木車道橋の動的特性評価
    TOBA Tomoyuki: Estimation of Dynamic Characteristics Through Tied Arch Carriageway Timber Bridge consisting of Laminated Wood and Steel
  10. 吉原 隆:実橋載荷試験とFEM解析に基づく既設鋼鈑桁橋の耐荷力評価
    YOSHIWARA Takashi: Estimation of Load-carrying Capacities of Existing Plate Girder Bridges based on Bridge Loading Test and FEM Analysis
  11. 斎藤高浩:弾塑性解析による木平面骨組構造物の破壊形式に関する研究
    SAITO Takahiro: Study on Destruction Forms of Timber Plane Frame Structures by Elasto-plastic Analysis