Graduation Thesis 2004.3

  1. 河原木千恵:溶融亜鉛めっき時の溶接鋼平板の熱伝導解析と熱応力分布
    KAWARAGI Chie: on Thermal Strains and Temperature Variation of Steel Plates with Welded Joints by Dipping Test into Molten Zinc
  2. 小関洋美:静的実大試験に基づく木橋連結部の剛性評価
    KOSEKI Hiromi: Estimation on Stiffness of Connecting Joint of Timber Bridges by Static Full Scale Test
  3. 齋藤明艶:半剛接合部を考慮した送電用単独鉄塔の複合非線形解析
    SAITO Akiyoshi: Combined Nonlinear Analysis of a Electric Steel Transmission Tower considering Semi-rigid of Connection
  4. 佐々木賢勇:二層板有限帯板法による単純鋼鈑桁橋の動的応答解析
    SASAKI Kenyu: Dynamic Response Analysis of Steel Girder Bridge by Two Layered Finite Strip Method
  5. 佐藤 純:静的載荷試験に基づくタイドアーチ式木車道橋の静的特性評価
    SATO Jun: Static Characteristic Evaluation of Tied Arch Timber Highway Bridge based on Static Loading Test
  6. 時田慈子:2次元弾性論による既設単純合成鋼鈑桁橋の水平支承反力推定法
    TOKIDA Yoshiko: Estimation Method of Horizontal Shoe Reaction of Existing Simply Composite Steel Girder Bridge by 2-Dimensional Elasticity Theory
  7. 畠澤弘行:剛性マトリックス法によるヒンジ接合部を有するアーチ構造物の構造解析
    HATAZAWA Hiroyuki: Structural Analysis of Arch Structure with Hinge Joint by Stiffness Matrix Method
  8. 堀内寛之:有限帯板法による鋼と集成材からなる複合梁の弾性衝撃応答解析
    HORIUCHI Hiroyuki: Elastic Impact Response Analysis of Composite Beams considering of Steel and Laminated Timber by Finite Strip Method
  9. 金田 知:仮設ゴム支承を有する梨の木橋の実橋載荷試験とFEM解析
    KANETA Akira: Loading Test and FEM Analysis of NASHINOKI Bridge with Temporary Rubber Support
  10. 佐々木純一:ギオン・マソネの直交異方性板理論を用いたPCT桁橋の設計・製図
    SASAKI Junichi: Design and Drawing of Posttension PC Simple T Beam Bridge
  11. 高橋直宏:鋼棒を介して衝撃荷重を受ける平板の初期挙動について
    TAKAHASHI Naohiro: Initial Behavior of Plates subjected to Impulsive Load on Steel Bar