Graduation Thesis 2002.3

  1. 遠藤昌宏:アーチ橋の時刻歴地震応答解析 ENDOU Masahiro: Time History Earthquake Response Analysis of Arch Bridges
  2. 大友悠央:統一降伏規準による直交異方性円形板の塑性極限解析 OHTOMO Haruhisa: Plastic Limit Analysis of Orthotropic Circular Plate by using Unified Yield Criterion
  3. 小田 司:ミンドリン板有限帯板法による立体構造物の応力解析 ODA Tsukasa: Stress Analysis of Three-Dimensional Structure by Finite Strip Method
  4. 勝 知子:半剛接合部を考慮した送電用鉄塔の複合非線形解析 KATSU Tomoko: Combined Nonlinear Analysis of Steel Transmission Towers considering Semi-rigid Connection
  5. 小田島源:5径間連続鋼2主鈑桁橋の設計・製図 KODASHIMA Hajime: Design and Drawing of Five-Span Continuous Two Main Plate Girder Bridge
  6. 蘓武秀文:FEM解析による既設合成鋼鈑桁橋の支点応力の検討 SOBU Hidefumi: Examination of Stresses on Support of Existing Steel Composite Girder Bridge by FEM Analysis
  7. 高貝昌市:波形鋼板ウェブPC箱桁橋の設計・製図 TAKAGAI Shouichi: Design and Drawing of Prestressed Concrete Box Girder Bridge using Corrugated Steel Web
  8. 高師拓也:動的載荷試験に基づく既設合成鋼鈑桁橋の水平支承反力推定法 TAKASHI Takuya: Estimation Methods of Horizontal Shoe Reactions of Existing Steel Composite Girder Bridge by Dynamic Loading Test
  9. 安田 晃:横衝撃を受ける平板の衝突衝撃力について YASUDA Akira: on Impact Force of Plate subjected to Transverse Impact
  10. 山崎 光:静的破壊試験による木材および集成材の材料強度評価 YAMAZAKI Hikaru: on Assessment for Material Strength of Lamina and Glued Laminated Timber by Static Destructive Test
  11. 荒田智博:現場打撃実験に基づく集成材橋連結部の動的剛性評価 ARATA Tomohiro: Estimation on Dynamic Stiffness of Connecting Joint of Laminated Timber Bridge by Field Impact Experiments
  12. 松本光正:T継手を有する鋼平板の溶融亜鉛浸潤試験中に発生する熱ひずみと温度変化について MATSUMOTO Mitsumasa: on Thermal Strains and Temperature Variations of Steel Plates with T Joint by Dipping Test into Molten Zinc