
段 梅

 Fig1   Fig2   Fig3    Figb1   Figb2   Figb3   Figb4
  1. 段梅他:ハイブリッド/混合有限要素法によるラップ接着された円筒体の応力解析
  2. Duan、et al. :5-Node Hybrid/mixed Finite Element for Reissner-Mindlin
    Plate, Finite Elements in Analysis and Design, Elsevier Science Netherland(印刷中)
  3. Mei Duan, Yutaka Miysamoto, Shoji Iwasaki, Hideaki Deto: Hybrid/mixed Finite
    Element Analysis of Circular Plate Bending Based on Reissner-Mindlin Theory、
    Journal of Structural Engineering(JSCE) Vol.44A、(1998年 3月)323〜330頁
  4. 段梅他:ラップ接着された円筒体の応力解析へのハイブリッド/混合法の
  5. Duan、et al. :An Efficient Six-Node Plate Bending Hybrid/Mixed Element
    Based on Mindlin/Reissner Plate Theory, Structural Engneering and Mechanics
    (An Int.Nat. Journal),Vol.5,No.1,Techno-Press, (1997年 1月)pp.69〜83
  6. 段梅他:高精度化平板曲げ要素を用いたハイブリッド/混合法の鋼構造

  1. Duan, et al. :A Posterior Error Estimate of Hybrid/Mixed
    Finite Element Method for Mindlin's Plate Bending Problem, Third Asian-
    Pacific Conference on Computational Mechanics(Seoul),(1996年 9月)
  2. Duan, et al. :Fundamental Study on Continuous Footing
    with EPS Block, Proc.of the Int.Nat. Symp.on EPS Construction Method
    (Tokyo),(1996年 10月)pp.349〜359
  3. Duan, et al. :Hybrid/Mixed Finite Element Method for
    Vibration Ploblems of Plate, Proc. of the Int.Nat. Conference on
    Advances in Steel Structures, Vol.U(Hong Kong),(1996年 12月) pp.915〜919
  4. Duan Mei, Yutaka Miyamoto, Shoji Iwasaki, Hideaki Deto:Dynamic
    Analysis of Steel Plate by Hybrid/ Mixed Finite Element Method, Proc.
    of the Int.Nat. Colloquium on  Stability and Ductility of Steel Structures(Nagoya),
    (1997年 7月)この発表に際し、土木学会学術交流基金助成を受けた。
  5. Duan Mei, Yutaka Miyamoto, Shoji Iwasaki, Hideaki Deto:Hybrid/Mixed
    Finite Element Method for Orthotropic Plate Bending Problem, Proc. of the Int.
    Nat. Kerensky Conference on Structures in the New Millennium(Hong Kong),(1997年9月)
  6. Duan Mei, Yutaka Miyamoto, Shoji Iwasaki, Hideaki Deto: Hybrid/Mixed
    Finite Element Method for Orthotropic Plate Bending Problem, The 6th East
    Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering & Construction(Taiwan), (1998年 1月)
