田辺 朔朗 土木技術者。琵琶湖疏水の設計・施工のほか、日本で最初の水力発電所を蹴上に 完成させた。京都帝国大学教授、京都土木顧問などを歴任。 琵琶湖疏水は、第一期工事だけで国の土木費総額を上回る費用と、5年近くの歳月 をかけて、明治23(1890)年に完成。翌年には日本初の水力発電所も蹴上に稼働 しました。この水力発電により、機業(西陣織)をはじめとする伝統産業は近代化へと導かれ、 わが国最初の路面電車が走り、京都の産業発展の原動力へと結びついていった。 井上 勝 明治元年までロンドンに留学。ユニバーシティー・カレッジ・オブ・ロンドン (UCL)にて鉱山技術・鉄道技術などを学ぶ。帰国後は政府に出仕し、その新知識と 技術を生かして新橋駅 - 横浜駅間の鉄道開通を始め、東海道線や日本鉄道会社など 数々の鉄道工事で陣頭指揮にあたり、海外の力に頼らない日本の鉄道事業の基礎を作った。 明治4年には、鉱山頭兼鉄道頭となり、鉄道局長、工部大輔、鉄道庁長官などを歴任 した。そして、明治5年には、日本初の鉄道、新橋〜横浜間を開通させた。 これを手始めに神戸〜大津、長浜〜厚賀間と開通させ、明治22年にはついに、 東海道線を開通させた。とりわけ、京都〜大津間の施設には、初めて日本人の手だけで この難工事を完成させ、わが国の鉄道技術自立の契機となった。 この事と平行して私鉄、日本鉄道会社の施設事業にも携わり、明治24年には、 東京〜青森間724キロを開通させた。この間、井上勝は常に現場にて工事の陣頭指揮にあたった。 古井公蔵 明治2年に旧幕府の開成所を復興し開校した開成学校に入学し、明治3年には姫路藩の 貢進生として大学南校へ進学した。明治6年には開成学校に設置された諸芸学科へ進学 する。古市は内務省土木局のトップとして全国の河川治水、港湾の修築のみならず、 日本近代土木行政の骨格を作るとともに、工科大学長・土木学会長・工学会の会長と して、日本近代工学ならびに土木工学の制度を作った。彼の代表的な功績として、 横浜港の建設がある。明治38年、横浜港に日本最初の大般の繋船壁が完成したが、 その設計を担当したのは古市だった。 沖野忠雄 安政元年に豊岡藩士の子として生まれる。フランス、パリのエコール・サントラール で土木建築を学ぶ。明治16年内務省土木局に入局。以後河川と港湾の工事に心血を 注いだ。我国治水・港湾の始祖といわれる。パリのエコール・サントラールには、 古市公威・沖野忠雄。そして山口半六と3人で留学する。 沖野忠雄は日本の治水港湾工事の始祖といわれ、大正7年に内務省を退官するまで、 河川改修工事に彼が関わらなかったものはありません。その数多くの土木事業の中で、 最も心血を注いだのが、淀川の改修工事と大阪築港事業です。当時、淀川は大水の度に 氾濫を起こす暴れ川で、周辺の住民は家屋の浸水等の被害に悩まされました。そこで、 洗堰を要所に設けて淀川の豊富な水量を調節、また、堤防も画一的にせず随所適切に定め、水害を防いだ。 広井勇 北国の厳しい自然の中、築港工事の問題点を広井勇がどのように打開していくか、 全国の関係者が注目した。 明治30年、北海道庁技師広井勇が指揮する小樽港湾第一期工事(北防波堤建設)が、 当時の国家予算200余万円を投じる大規模国営工事として着工した。この時、広井勇は 35歳であった。広井勇は数々の独創的な施工方法で関係者を驚かした。それは現代でも 十分通用する程のものだった。 工事は順調に進むかに見えた。しかし、思わぬ試練が広井勇に襲いかかる。 明治32年、冬の嵐が工事中の防波堤を直撃したのである。次々と資材も設備も押し流 された。広井勇は自信を失いつつあった。嵐が治まる頃、広井勇は意を決し、失敗した ときの責任をとるため自決用のピストルを懐にしのばせ、港へ着いた。そこに見た ものは、見事あの暴波浪に耐えぬいた防波堤であった。明治41年5月に竣工、現在に至る。 Sakurou Tanabe Civil engineering technician.The first hydroelectric power plant was completed in Keage in Japan besides the design and the construction of the Biwa lake canal. The professor of the Kyoto empire university and the Kyoto engineering works adviser, etc. are held successively. The Biwa lake canal is completed only by the first stage construction with cost more than the engineering works expense total in the country spending nearby years for five years. The first hydroelectric power plant in Japan operated in Keage next year, too. It was led to the modernization, first my tram in the country ran, and the tradition industry including the textile industry was related to the mainspring of industrial development of Kyoto by this hydro-power. Masaru Inoue It goes to study to London until 1868. The mine technology and the railway technology, etc. are learnt in university college Ob London (UCL). After it returned home, do the attend one's office to the government, the new ideas and the technology were made the best use of, and when leading it by a lot of railroad work such as Toukaido Line and Japanese railway companies including the railway opening to traffic between the Shinbashi station and Yokohama Station, the base of the railway business of Japan that did not rely on overseas power was made. It became the mine head and a railway head, and the railway director of a bureau, Cobe Daisuke, and the secretary etc. of the railway agency were held successively in 1871. And, first railway and Shinbashi in 1872 in Japan. It opened between Yokohama. Kobe starting from Otsu and Nagahama. It opened, and Toukaido Line was finally opened during in 1889. Especially, Kyoto This accident construction was completed for the first time in the facilities between Outsu only by a Japanese hand, and it became the opportunity of railway technological independence of our country. Is it involved in the facilities business of the private railway and the Japanese railway company in parallel with this thing, and Tokyo.724 kilos between Aomori were opened. Inoue Masaru always hit leading construction on the site the other day. Kimitake Furui It entered the Kaisei school that revived the Kaisei place of an old shogun ate in 1869 and founded a school, and it went on to the university south school as Mitsss of Himeji Domain in 1870. It goes on to various art subject set up by the Kaisei school in 1873. Furuichi made not only the repair of the river flood control of the whole country and harbors but also frames of the Japanese modern engineering works administration as the top in the Home office engineering works bureau, and made the system of Japanese modern engineering and the civil engineering as a chairman of the head of the Institute of Technology, the chairman of Civil Engineering, and the engineering association. The construction of the Yokohama port is his typical distinguished services. It was Furuichi to take charge of the design in 1905 though the mooring wall of the first large in Japan was completed in the Yokohama port. Tadao Okino It is born at the Yasmatsrigot first year as Toyooka feudal soldier's child. The civil engineering and construction is learnt with ecole Santorarl of France and Paris. Go to the office ..within 1883.Tstomushou engineering bureau... It put one's heart in the construction of the river and harbors thereafter. It is said the founder in Nao glass of water in our country and harbors. In ecole Santorarl of Paris, it is Couod Furuichi and it is Tadao Okino. And, it goes to study abroad by Yamaguchi half 6 and three people. It is said by Tadao Okino the founder of the flood control harbors construction of Japan, and there is no what he was not related to the river improvement work up to the retirement in 1918 from Home office. It is repair work and a Osaka harbor construction business of Yodogawa to have poured the > mind blood most in a lot of the engineering works. At that time, a peripheral resident was annoyed by the damage such as floods of the house in the rage river where the flood was caused at the flood as for Yodogawa. Then, Yodo river was installed in the key point, neither the adjustment nor the embankment did abundant volume of waters of Yodogawa uniformly, it decided everywhere appropriately, and damage by a flood was prevented. Isami Hiroi How does Isamu Hiroi break in northern provinces nature severe and the problem of the harbor construction work, and parties concerned in the whole country paid attention. The stage the first in Otaru harbors construction (north breakwater construction) that Isamu Hiroi of engineer of the Hokkaido agency commanded started constructing as a large-scale, government-run construction that invested 200 10000 national budgets yen or more at that time in 1897. At this time, Isamu Hiroi was 35 years old. Isamu Hiroi surprised parties concerned by a lot of original construction methods. It was the one like passing at the present age enough. Construction looked as advancing well. However, an unexpected trial attacks Isamu Hiroi. The winter storm hit a breakwater under construction directly in 1899. Materials and equipment were swept away one after another. Isamu Hiroi was losing one's self-assurance. Isamu Hiroi when the storm was calmed down made it endure, and arrived at the port at the bosom of the pistol for self-determination to decide the mind, and to take the responsibility when failing. What seen there was a breakwater where that Abaharou had been splendidly endured. It arrives completing and now in May, 1908. --------------------- An authority of construction environment theory report Inoue Masaru (from 1843 to 1910) Japan, the nobility. He contribute to development of a Japanese railroad and can call the half life father of a Japanese railroad. He is from Hagi-shi, Yamaguchi. Office and rank is Viscount Shoji rank First Order of Merit. There is a bronze statue in the Marunouchi station square open space that there is among the Tokyo station circles that are famous for a red brick in front of a station building of a central mouth. He go to London to study to (1868) in 1868. I learn mine technology / a railway technology in university college of London (UCL). The return home back enters a service in the government, and He make use of the new knowledge and technology, and it is Shimbashi Station(Shinagawa Station) - He hit acting as the leader of an army and, after starting the railroad opening to traffic between Yokohama Station, made the basics of the Japanese railway business that he did not rely on for overseas power with many railroad construction such as Tokaido Line or a Japanese railroad (between Tokyo - Aomori). Japanese railway business is succeeded after Inoue Masaru by Takashi Hara / Shinpei Goto. For 1891 years, He submit a national assembly about railroad political tactics" to the government as Secretary of railroad agency, and I lay railroad laying method of the back (1892), and a claim to assume that you should nationalize a trunk route in this is connected in Law for State Ownership of Railways (1906). But, by the railroad laying method that was the first step, Imperial Diet (a stockholder of a railroad participated as a member of the Diet a lot together both chambers) which had a right toward a private railway resisted it, and, as for the real text contents, it will have been revised the thing which opened room of private railway promotion with the idea adversely. Inoue who got angry at this will retire from Secretary of railroad agency in 1893. Sakuo Tanabe (1861-1944) Civil engineer. Other than a design / execution of Lake Biwa-ko running off water, He completed the first hydroelectric power station in Keage in Japan. He successively hold Kyoto empire University (existing Kyoto University) professor, adviser Kyoto-shi engineering works. A bronze statue of the young engineer who had a drawing in its hand is built on the ground of Keage looking down at the Path of Philosophy full of the foot of Higashiyama, tourists. He let Lake Biwa-ko running off water inaugurate by unyielding mind and prominent technology in the days of a thing of the Westernization of early period of Meiji in Kyoto. Kimitake Furuichi(From 1854 to 1924) He was born be a feudal clan mansion of the Edo era to (1854) as Himeji clansman, the eldest son of Furuichi Takashi in the Ansei first year. He entered the university south school with the Kaisei place opening of a school in entrance to school, 1870 in 1869. He will be dispatched to American and European countries as the Education Ministry's first foreign student afterwards. In August, 1879, He graduate from a French central tech and enter Paris university department of science in the same year and He graduate from the school in 1880 and receive a degree of a Bachelor of Science and, after return home, take office as Department of the Interior engineering works station employ in December of the year. In 1880, He went back to my own country and became cabinet ministry employee and wore two pairs of straw sandals of a bureaucrat engineer and a university instructor afterward. He made it 32 years old in 1886 and took office as President college of engineering (a forerunner of Tokyo University department of engineering) first generation and took office as the first degree engineering works chief engineer of the Department of the Interior in 1894. He planned improvement of engineering works administration and established the engineering works law and showed talent of difference on administration on technology, and it was respected as the highest authority of engineering works world in modern times. Furuichi made a frame of engineering works administration as the top of the Department of the Interior engineering works station in national river river improvement, not only repair and construct of a harbor but also Japanese modern times and, as a chairperson of the college of engineering head / the Japan Society of Civil Engineering head / the Japan Federation of Engineering Societies, made a system of engineering and civil engineering in Japan modern times. Among "a nation / religion / Japanese" of Ryotaro Shiba book, He introduce an episode of hard study when He studied abroad to France of Kimitake Furuichi who became the first Japanese professor of civil engineering. He says when I answered it when "Japan is late for an aunt of a rooming house he says when he get a body out of order unless he takes a rest to Furuichi a little, and to worry about all day long when he is absent all day long". he was born in a samurai family of Tadao Okino (from 1900 to 1978) Hyogo. he enter the university south school in 1870 and go to France to study from 1875 and study civil engineering. He work at the engineering works station of the Department of the Interior after return home in 1883 and become Chief civil engineer of Osaka in 1891. Harbor construction construction of Osakako or river improvement construction of Yodogawa deal with environmental maintenance of the Osaka neighborhood, and it is known that he serve as the Osaka-shi harbor construction office construction head in 1897 as a pioneer of engineering works world. After a return to Tokyo, he devoted life to reclamation of river improvement construction / a harbor as a civil engineer of the Department of the Interior. What you should mention specially in that is repair work and Osaka harbor construction business of Yodogawa. In Yodogawa, the flooding is caused at every flooding in those days; acted violently, and, in a river, the neighboring inhabitants were troubled by the damage such as the inundation of a house. Therefore he made a dam for a point and regulated the quantity of water that was richness of Yodogawa, and at every turn prevented fate, a flood adequately without, in addition, a dike doing it uniformly. "The port which a big ship cuts at port of entrance and exit"…It is Osaka harbor construction that was executed the work in response to a demand of a citizen of Osaka-shi with ". Aji River sources of Osaka got together from ancient times, and comings and goings of a ship were most places, but, as for the arrival in port of a big ship, it was difficult for drift sand of Yodogawa, and it was an immediate problem to make a port in the river mouth. He always used a progressive method of construction for construction and pushed forward the mechanization and made an effort for harbor construction construction. he praise this achievement that made the basics of today's Osaka prosperity, and a bronze statue is erected in Mt. Tenpo era park. Hiroi Isami (from 1862 to 1928) is former Tokyo University professor. He is from Kochi. Sapporo agricultural school (Hokkaido University) graduation. He was called "father of harbor engineering". After Sapporo agricultural school graduation, he serve a Bureau of Development, building and repairing office ministry. He go to the United States of America to study afterwards and go back to my own country in 1889. He take office as a professor at Sapporo agricultural school. For 1893 years, he take office as Mayor of Otaruchikko office and engage in harbor construction of Otaru port. He adopted a unique method of construction of "bias lump block heaping up" (slow Ping block) he let a block slant, and to juxtapose and, in 1908, was able to complete a product made in Japan's first concrete grandiosity breakwater. This breakwater is similar as those days by the present that passed from construction more than 100 years and functions and shows how technology of Hiroi was able to be superior. This method of construction is a rare method of construction now, and there is mechanism about the stability as non-elucidation. >Reference material'url >http://ja.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E3%83%A1%E3%82%A4%E3%83%B3%E3%83%9A%E3%83%BC%E3%82%B8 >http://www.c-museum.jacic.or.jp/ 井上勝(1843年- 1910年)日本の官僚、華族。その半生を日本の鉄道の発展に寄与 し日本の鉄道の父と呼ばれる。山口県萩市出身。官位は正二位勲一等子爵。赤レン ガで有名な東京駅丸の内中央口の駅舎前にある丸の内駅前広場に銅像がある。 1868年(明治元年)までロンドンに留学。ユニバーシティー・カレッジ・オブ・ロン ドン(UCL)にて鉱山技術・鉄道技術などを学ぶ。帰国後は政府に出仕し、その新知 識と技術を生かして新橋駅(品川駅) - 横浜駅間の鉄道開通を始め、東海道線や日 本鉄道会社(東京〜青森間)など数々の鉄道工事で陣頭指揮にあたり、海外の力に 頼らない日本の鉄道事業の基礎を作った。日本の鉄道事業は井上勝の後、原敬・後 藤新平に引き継がれる。 1891年、鉄道庁長官として「鉄道政略に関する議」を政府に提出し、この中で幹線鉄 道を国有化すべきとする主張は後の鉄道敷設法(1892年)を生み鉄道国有法(1906 年)につながる。だが、その第一歩である鉄道敷設法では、民営鉄道に利権を持つ 帝国議会(両院ともに鉄道会社の株主が多数議員として参加していた)が抵抗し て、その理念とは逆に実際の条文内容は民営鉄道促進の余地を広げるもの修正され ることとなってしまった。これに憤った井上は1893年に鉄道庁長官を退官すること となった。 田辺朔郎(1861〜1944)土木技術者。琵琶湖疏水の設計・施工のほか、日本で最初 の水力発電所を蹴上に完成させた。京都帝国大学(現・京都大学)教授、京都市土 木顧問などを歴任。東山の麓、観光客で賑わう哲学の道を見下ろす蹴上の地に、図 面を手にした若き技術者の銅像が建っています。明治初期の文明開化の時代、不屈 の精神と卓越した技術によって、京都に琵琶湖疏水を開通させた。 古市 公威 (1854年-1924年) 姫路藩士、古市孝の長男として安政元年(1854年)に江戸の藩屋敷で生まれた。明 治2年には開成所開校とともに入学、明治3年に大学南校に入学した。その後文部省 最初の留学生として欧米諸国へ派遣されることとなった。明治12年8月、フランスの 中央工業大学を卒業し同年にはパリ大学理学部に入学、明治13年には同校を卒業し て理学士の学位を受領、帰国後、同年12月には内務省土木局雇いに就任している。 明治13年、帰国して内閣省雇いとなり、以後官僚技術者と大学教官の二足のわらじ をはいた。明治19年には32歳にして工科大学(東京大学工学部の前身)初代学長に 就任、明治27年には内務省の初代土木技監に就任した。土木行政の改善を図り、 土木法規を制定するなど、技術上に行政上に非凡の才能を振るい、近代土木界の最 高権威として尊重された。古市は内務省土木局のトップとして全国の河川治水、港 湾の修築のみならず、日本近代土木行政の骨格を作るとともに、工科大学長・土木 学会長・工学会の会長として、日本近代工学ならびに土木工学の制度を作った。 司馬遼太郎著書の『国家・宗教・日本人』の中で、土木工学の最初の日本人教授と なった古市公威のフランスに留学していたときの猛勉強のエピソードを紹介してい る。古市へ少し休まないと身体をこわすと言って心配する下宿のおばさんに、「ぼ くが一日休むと日本は一日遅れます」と答えたという。 沖野忠雄 (1900年〜1978年)兵庫県の武家に生まれる。明治3年大学南校に入学、 明治8年からフランスに留学し、土木工学を学ぶ。帰国後明治16年に、内務省の土木 局に勤め、明治24年大阪の土木監督署長となる。明治30年大阪市築港事務所工事長 をかね大阪港の築港工事や淀川の治水工事など、大阪近辺の環境整備を手掛け、土 木界の先駆者として知られる。帰京後、内務省の土木技師として、一生を治水工 事・港湾の開拓に捧げました。 その中でも特筆すべきは淀川の改修工事と大阪築港事業です。 当時、淀川は大水の度に氾濫を起こす暴れ川で、周辺の住民は家屋の浸水等の被 害に悩まされました。そこで、洗堰を要所に設けて淀川の豊富な水量を調節、ま た、堤防も画一的にせず随所適切に定め、水害を防ぎました。 「大型船が出入港できる港を…」との大阪市民の要望に応えて施工されたのが、大 阪築港です。大阪の安治川筋は古来より船の出入りが最も多い場所でしたが、淀川 の流砂のため大型船の入港は難しく、河口に港を造ることが早急の課題でした。氏 は工事には常に進歩的な工法を用い、機械化を進め、築港建設に尽力しました。今 日の大阪繁栄の基礎を作ったこの功績を讃え、天保山公園には銅像が建立されてい ます。 広井 勇(1862年−1928年)は、元東京大学教授。高知県出身。札幌農学校(現在の 北海道大学)卒業。「港湾工学の父」と呼ばれた。 札幌農学校卒業後、開拓使、工部省に奉職。その後アメリカ合衆国に留学し、1889 年に帰国。札幌農学校教授に就任。1893年、小樽築港事務所長に就任し、小樽港の 築港に従事。ブロックを傾斜させ並置する「斜塊ブロック積み(スローピング・ブ ロック)」という独特な工法を採用し、1908年、日本初のコンクリート製長大防波 堤を完成させた。この防波堤は、建設から100年以上経過した現在でも当時のままに 機能しており、広井の技術がいかに優れていたかを示している。この工法は現在で も希な工法であり、その安定性に関するメカニズムは未解明のままである。 The third People who built modern engineering works of Japan (第三回日本の近代土木を築いた人々) ○Masaru Inoue (井上勝) Masaru Inoue was familiar with the West culture from childhood. (井上勝は小さい頃から西洋文化に触れていた。) When the Umugi event occurred, he invaded a foreign ship with Hrohumi Itou et al.. . (生麦事件が起きた頃、彼は伊藤博文らと供に外国船に侵入した。) It is because He wanted to learn a culture advanced of the foreign country. (外国の進んだ文化を学びたかったからである。) He studied under Edmond Morell after it had returned home. ( At that time, Japan was requesting the construction of the railway to Edmond Morell. ) (帰国した後はエドモンド・モレルに師事した。(当時、日本はエドモンド・モレルに鉄道の建設 を依頼していた。)) But, Edmond Morell died of sickness in one and a half years after it had come to Japan. (しかし、エドモンド・モレルは来日後一年半で病死してしまった。) Although the railway was completed between Yokohama and Shinbashi in 1872, All processes from construction to operation were left to the foreigner . (明治五年に新橋横浜間に鉄道が完成したが、建設から運行まで外国人に任せていた。) After Japan had constructed the Osaka mountain tunnel in 1880, Japan became independent. (明治13年に逢坂山トンネルが建設された以後、日本は自立した。) Afterwards, the railway was completed between Kyoto and Otsu. (その後、京都と大津の間にも鉄道が完成した。) After this construction, the railway was completed in various places. (この後も、いろいろな所で鉄道が完成していった。) Masaru Inoue took command of site in a lot of railroad work. (井上勝は数々の鉄道工事で現場の指揮をした。) ○Sakurou Tanabe (田辺朔郎) The plan of connecting Biwako and Kyoto with the canal had not arrived at achievement,Because construction is very difficult. (あまりの難工事のため、琵琶湖と京都を運河によって結ぶという計画は、実現には至って いなかった。) Sakurou Tanabe started the Biwako canal at the age of 22. (田辺朔郎は22歳で琵琶湖疏水に着手した。) It is because the graduation thesis of the Biwako canal of Sakuro Tanabe attracted the governor. (これは、田辺朔郎の琵琶湖疏水の卒業論文が知事の気を引いたためです。) Biwako Canal was completed though put out 17 victims. (琵琶湖疎水は17人の犠牲者を出しつつも、完成しました。) The Keage power plant began transmitting electricity in 1891. (明治24年、蹴上発電所が送電を開始しました。) British Academic Society of Civil Engineers initiated the Telford prize that was civil engineering technician's honor into him in 1895. (イギリス土木学会は彼に土木技術者の栄誉であるテルフォード賞を明治28年に授けた。) In addition, Sakuro Tanabe made the mechanism that the ship is lifted by the truck named Ink Line. (その他にも、田辺朔郎はインクラインという台車で船を引き上げる仕組みなども作った。) ○Huruiti Koui (古市公威) Huruiti Koui went over to France in 1875, and he entered Ecole Centrale. (古市公威は明治8年フランスに渡り、エコール・サントラルに入学した。) He studied there for five years . (彼そこで5年間勉学にいそしんだ。) Huruiti Koui participated in the river improvements of various places after he had returned home. (古市公威は帰国した後、各地の河川改修に参加した。) He did Kiso 3 river separation construction with De Rake. (彼はデ・レーケとともに木曽3川分離工事を行った。) It took as many as 24 years to do this. (この工事は24年間にも渡った。) ○Tadao Okino (沖野忠雄) Tadao Okino went to study abroad after He had graduated from the university south school and the Kaisei school. (沖野忠雄は大学南校と開成学校を卒業した後、留学した。) And,He entered Ecole Centrale. (そして、彼はエコール・サントラルに入学した。) He starts the earthwork of Yodogawa in 1896, and has raised the work efficiency with a machine. (彼は明治29年に淀川の土木工事に着手し、機械を使って作業効率を上げた。) ○Isamu Hiroi (広井勇) Isamu Hiroi went to study to the United States after he had graduated of the Sapporo agriculture school. . (広井勇は札幌農学校卒業後、アメリカ合衆国に留学した。) Isamu Hiroi constructed the railway and the bridge in the United States,and He returned home in 1889. (アメリカで彼は鉄道や橋の建設をし、1889年に帰国した。) He assumed the position of the head of the Otaru harbor construction office in 1893. (1893年、広井は小樽築港事務所長に就任した。) A peculiar industrial method that arranged the block of the inclining state was adopted, and the breakwater was completed in the Otaru port in 1908. (傾斜した状態のブロックを配置する独特な工法を採用し、1908年、小樽港に防波堤を完成させた。) At this time, 11 years passed after it had started it. (このとき、着手してから11年が経過していた。) This breakwater functions still though 100 years or more passed from construction. (建設から100年以上過ぎたが、この防波堤は、現在でも機能している。) The people who did modernization of civil engineering in Japan Inoue Masaru took office as a railroad head at 26 years old. In 1872, a Japan's first railroad was completed. The only six years later, Japan constructed Ousakayama Tunnel c by oneself. And a railroad between Kyoto - Otsu was completed. It is him that dealt with this conduct. This construction gave confidence of a Japanese railroad engineer. Sakurou Tanabe wrote a thesis about a plan of Lake Biwa channeling to energize Kyoto. This was the first overall development construction, and he became a person in charge of this construction. Nagarayama Tunnel construction was difficulte, but he completed it and also made a hydroelectric power station again. The first streetcar ran with this electricity. In addition, an inclined plane was made and was able to carry a ship with a load. As a result, Kyoto regained vigor. Kimitake Furuichi went over to France and studied engineering. After return home, he worked at the Department of the Interior engineering works station. He constructed Kisosansen for 24 years and got the basics of a river in modern times. Tadao Okino learned engineering in France same as Furuichi and worked solely for a river business. In 1896, he started repair work of Yodogawa. This was the first large-scale public works, and a full-dress machine was introduced. In addition, he made first Araizeki and it was able to regulate quantity of water. The flooding to a town area of Yodogawa decreased in this way. Hiroi Isami constructed Otaru port to make a modern port into the stormy Sea of Japan. He studied how to load concrete, combination and found the greatest strength. In addition, he made 60,000 blocks for break examinations. In 1908, a breakwater of 1,300m was completed. 日本の近代土木を築いた人々 井上勝は26歳で鉄道頭に就任した。1872年、日本初の鉄道が完成した。 そのわずか6年後に、日本は自力で逢坂山トンネル工事を行った。 そして、京都〜大津間の鉄道が完成した。この指揮にあたったのが彼である。 この工事は、日本の鉄道技術者の自信を与えた。 田辺朔郎は京都を活気づけるために、琵琶湖疎水の計画についての論文を書いた。 これは初の総合開発工事であり、彼はこの工事の責任者となった。 長等山トンネル工事は困難であったが完成させ、また水力発電所も作った。 この電力で初の路面電車を走らせた。またインクラインが作られ、船を積み荷のまま 運べるようにした。この結果、京都は活気を取り戻した。 古市公威はフランスへ渡り工学を学んだ。帰国後、内務省土木局に勤めた。 彼は24年に渡る、木曽三川の工事を行い、近代河川の基礎を築いた。 沖野忠雄は古市と同様にフランスで工学を学び、河川事業一筋に働いた。1896年、 淀川の改修工事に取りかかった。これは初の大規模土木工事であり、本格的な機械が 導入された。また初の洗堰を作り、水の量を調節できるようにした。 こうして、淀川の市街地への氾濫は減った。 広井勇は荒れる日本海に近代港を作るため、小樽港の工事を行った。 彼はコンクリートの積み方、配合を研究し、最大の強度を見出した。また彼は 6万個の破断試験用ブロックを作った。1908年、1300mの防波堤が完成した。 日本の近代土木を築いた5人の男たちを紹介しよう。 井上勝は、1863年、20歳にして、イギリスに密航し、ロンドン大学で土木や鉱山学 を学んだ。帰国後は、モレルの指導 を受けた。1873年には京都〜大津間の逢坂山トンネルを作った。これは、日本人だけ で行った初の鉄道建設であり、大 きな自信へとつながった。井上勝は鉄道の父と呼ばれている。 田辺朔朗は、「琵琶湖疎水工事の計画」という卒業論文を書き大学を主席で卒業し た。その後、若干23歳にして、疎水 工事の責任者となる。この工事の結果、京都は琵琶湖と結ばれ活気を取り戻した。し かし、田辺は、右腕であるポンプ主 任をうしなった。かれは自殺したのだ。この大工事は、責任感の強いひとりの男の精 神をボロボロにしてしまうほどのもの だったのだ。他にも17人の犠牲者が出た。 古市公威は、若き日にフランスに留学、工学を学んだ。なぜそんなによく勉強する のかときかれ、こう言った。「私が1日 休めば、日本の近代化が1日遅れる」。なんという気概だろう。彼らは使命感に燃え ていた。帰国後、木曽3川分離計画 を実行した。そして、治水行政の基礎をすえた。 沖野忠雄は、フランスで建築工学を学び日本の河川改修に尽力した。淀川の治水工 事において、最新式の機械を輸入 し、能率をあげた。日本の土木工事を一変させたのである。 広井勇は、大学を卒業、米国、ドイツに留学し、さまざまな河川の工事に携わっ た。そして帰国後小樽港の築港に力を そそいだ。当時、外海に面した港の建設が何箇所かで行われ、すべて失敗に終わって いた。彼は、コンクリートの斜め積 みという新しい手法を考案した。またコンクリートの最良の配合比率もみいだした。 厳しい自然環境のため、冬の工事はで きなかったが、10年の歳月を経て、1300mの防波堤が完成した。 I introduce about 5 men that did modernization of civil engineering. In 1863, Masaru Inoue smuggled into England. Then he was only 20 years old. He studied civil engineering and mining at London University. When he came back to Japan he received Moleru's guidance. In 1873, he guided construction of Ousakayama tunnel from Kyouto to Otu. This was a first construction made by only Japanese. They gained confidence. Masaru Inoue is called Father of railway. Sakurou Tanabe wrote a graduation thesis ; modernization of canal construction of lake Biwa. He finished school as a No.1. After school he worked as a construction supervisor. He was only 23. Thanks to this construction kyoto revived as before. But Tanabe lost many precious things; his right-hand man's life. It was suiside. His heart was destroyed by the numerous pressure. In addition, 17 people were killed in the construction. Kimitake Furuichi went abroad to study engineering. He was asked why do you study so hard ? He answered that if I was absent, modernization of Japan would be late. What grate attitude is it. They believed that it is mission in life. After back to Japan he carried out separation of Kiso rivers. He lied foundation of flood control. Tadao Okino studied the civil engineering and construction in French ,and did everithing in his power. On the flood control of Yodo river he used the latest machine and changed civil engineering. Isami Hiroi went USA and Germany to do various river work after graduated university. After came back to Japan he tried to construction of the port of Otaru. In that time many construction of the port had been met with failure. He proposed new way of stacking concrete. He also found out the best rate of combine it, In winter it was stopped ,but at last a breakwater (1300m) was constructed after 10 years.