によって土木技師の育成のために土木大学(Ecole des ponts et chaussees)が創設された。

 I studied it by this lecture about the history of the civil engineering. 
In the ancient times, engineering works technology of Rome was the mainstream. 
Via Appia and Pont du Gard are the examples.
When France is the times of Louis XIV, engineering works University was 
founded for upbringing of the civil engineer by Prime Minister Colbert advocating 
the importance of the infrastructure. 
In addition, the surveying machine such as transit was invented when it was the 17th century. 
When the U.K. entered into the Industrial Revolution, steel came to be used. 
A railroad was invented, and the construction of a bridge and the tunnel was necessary, 
and engineering works technology developed drastically. 
Forth bridge in U.K. is a representative example. 
And the Brooklyn Bridge in America which was a suspension bridge used a wire 
of steel for the first time in the world in 19 end of the century was completed.
The construction of the road advanced with the mass production of the car. 
In Japan, the repair technology of a river represented by the tone river developed in 
the Edo era When the Meiji era began, much technology was conveyed in Japan by Van Doorn.
By the modern times, steel reinforced concrete came to be used widely by invention of the cement and concrete. 
By steel reinforced concrete, we got possible to make more complicated structurewith higher strength. 
The engineering works technology accomplishes progress to climate of the land and needs of the time.

> History of civil engineering
> (土木工学の歴史)
> In ancient civil engineering technology, the Roman Empire was a main current.
> (古代の土木技術は、ローマ帝国が主流だった。)
> As for an infrastructure at that time, there are large canals, aqueducts and the pyramid.In Rome, the Appia highway is 
> famous.
> (その当時の社会資本は、大運河や水道橋、ピラミッドが挙げられる。ローマではアッピア街道が有名である。)
> Though the Avignon bridge was famous in the middle ages, the civil engineering technology was almost the same as the Rome 
> age.
> (中世ではアヴィニョン橋が有名だが、技術はローマ時代と同じくらいだった。)
> And Renaissance had happened, shifted to the civilization of modern ages.
> (その後ルネッサンスが起こり、近代の文明へと移行する。)
> In modern ages, the civil engineering has developed. The midey canal is famous in France.
> (近代では、土木工学が発達した。フランスではミディー運河が有名である。)
> Universities only for the civil engineering were made, and, as a result, a lot of results of researches were discovered.
> (土木工学専用の大学もつくられて、それにより多くの研究成果が発見された。)
> The measurement technology was advanced in 17th, and in the Napoleonic epoch, the road to cross the Alps of is famous.
> (17世紀には測量技術が進歩し、ナポレオンの時代のアルプスを横断するための道は有名である。)
> About the Industrial Revolution and the civil engineering technology of Britain
> (産業革命とイギリスの土木技術について)
> Iron came to be used for civil engineering like the iron bridge and the railway that had been developed in 1830.
> (アイアンブリッジや、1830年に開発された鉄道のように、土木に鉄が用いられるようになった。)
> The shield tunneling was developed to dig a tunnel in the weak ground, and it is used now. For example, subway 
> construction.
> (弱い地盤にトンネルを掘るため、シールド工法が開発され、その技術は今も使われている。例えば、地下鉄工事に。)
> Large scaled civil engineering in United States
> (アメリカの大規模な土木事業)
> The wooden hau-trassed bridge and the suspension bridge in Brooklyn are famous.
> (ハウトラス技術の木製橋や、ブルックリンの吊り橋が有名である。)
> Moreover, cars had been invented, and T-Ford was best-used that time.
> (さらに、自動車が発明され、T型フォードが一番よく使われていた。)
> About the civil engineering of modern Japan
> (近代の日本の土木工学について)
> At the Edo era, people changed the flow of Tone-river, and made the waterworks in Tama-river.
> (江戸時代では、利根川の流れを人為的に変えたり、多摩川に用水路を作ったりした。)
> At the Meiji era, Van Doorn sent Japan the technology of the civil engineering of the Netherlands.
> (明治時代に、ファン・ドールンはオランダの土木工学の技術を日本に伝えた。)
> Consolidation of the foundations of infrastructures at modern ages
> (近代の社会資本の基礎固め)
> Cement and concrete came to be used for the civil engineering.
> (セメントや、コンクリートが土木工学に使われるようになった。)
> The arch type bridge made of concrete made by Robert Maillart, Panaman Canal and the autobahn are famous.
> (ロバート・マイヤールによって作られたコンクリート製のアーチ型橋や、パナマ運河、アウトバーンが有名である。)
> About present infrastructures
> (現在の社会資本について)
> For example, highways, the port island in Kobe City and the Nagasaki airport.
> (高速道路、神戸市のポートアイランド、長崎空港が例として挙げられる。)

 I studied it by this lecture about the history of European civil engineering 
of the Middle Ages and civil engineering of the Japanese Meiji era. 
About the European history, I learned it about construction of the first 
school of civil engineering in the world, the civil engineering that there was 
in the background of the British Industrial Revolution, 
construction of a tunnel .the history of the use of cement concrete. 
About the Japanese history, I learned it about Tone River, width of a road, 
a highway, an airport. I describe the some as follows.

 At first I describe civil engineering in the British Industrial Revolution. 
Therefore an iron bridge and a railroad were made by development of iron 
manufacture technology, and the Industrial Revolution advanced by this 
smoothly. This will be effect itself by maintenance of infrastructure which I 
studied by the last lecture. I describe concrete next. Originally 
the concrete was a strong thing for power of push, but was weak for power to 
go down. Therefore a building with reinforced concrete was made. This 
supplements a weak point of concrete by putting a reinforcing rod in normal 
concrete. In addition, 
I describe a Japanese road of the Meiji era. When a Japanese road of the Meiji 
era compared it when European, it was a thin road. Because movement by horse 
was basic in Europe, but movement on foot was basic in Japan.



Civil engineering has been from ancient age. Large scale roads and
waterworks in ancient Rome. Civil universities were built
in old France.
 New iron refine technique was invented and iron bridges and lines were
built in Britain in industrial revolution period.
Sheild technique(a technique for digging tunnels) was also developed.
 Many lines and bridges were established in America in the railroads age, 
and roads werearranged in the cars age.
 Civil engineering was spreaded very quickly in Japan in the Meiji age.
 Cementand concrete were invented in the later 19th century.
But concrete is weak in drawing. So reinforced concrete was developed.
And iron pipes were also developed.
 Many infrastructures were built between in the 19th century and 
in the 20th century.
 New study fields were spreaded and new materials, 
structures were developed.
But infrastructures aren't enough in many developing countries.
And tackling environment problem is also civil engineering's theme.
